Thursday, January 20, 2011


During the snowstorm, I was happily stitching away on Agnes Scott. When the girls' activities resumed, I told myself I needed a smaller projected to carry around in the car. I started the intriguing Unna von Bergen. Well, today I decided I really need an even smaller project to carry around. I mean really - I now love Unna too much to expose her to the same perils I would not dare expose Agnes to! And Valentines is right around the corner....

So I whipped out this ancient Prairie Schooler leaflet. It seems like they will be perfect for an afternoon of ferrying the girls to music and dance class.

I do feel the tinsy-iest bit ashamed. I have been on a blog-reading-binge lately, and I know most of you would already have Unna finished, framed, and hung! Call me the poky little puppy!

I wonder if I could finish all four little PS designs in time to hang from my mantle for VD? Perhaps you all could encourage me? Should I promise to show you a picture of my craft closet if I don't get them finished? No, my mom saw my craft closet yesterday, and she would probably drive over and finish them for me to spare the family shame!
Yesterday was a baking day. There was a LOT of this...
A pinch of this...

And, well, yes, some of this:...

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Grenae said...

That child definitely marches to the tune of her own little drummer when it comes to fashion. However, when it comes to paper doll clothes, she and I are perfectly in sync. xoxoxo Mom (a.k.a. Gran)

KarenV said...

Well, I wouldn't have had Unna finished by now, so don't feel bad. Although I manage to finish a lot, I don't stitch that fast, really, I just have quite a lot of stitching time. I think you could get the PS designs done, I love how they're displayed on the cover of the chart!

the striped rose said...

I wonder if that display case is still available?

Michelle said...

Unna is gorgeous! I do love those PS designs though - just in time for Valentine's Day!

Tanya Willis Anderson said...

I remember that leaflet from PS! It was so popular in my mom's shop - it's still a classic.

Hope your weekend is happy!

Margaret said...

lol! Love the pic of the little Boba Fett! lol! I do think you need a small project for those trips to dance and music and such. Although I hope you continue with Agnes Scott and Unna. Both are so pretty! Baking looks scrumptious!

Anonymous said...

It's the first time I visit your blog and wow , your works are fabulous ! Congrats!

Have a nice weekend!
Manka from Hubgary

Anonymous said...

:))) from Hungary :))