Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My little Arachne

I think we have finally finished the weaving project. It was begun in Colonial Girls' Club; directions were sent so it could be finished at home. Nutmeg has been hounding me to help her "full" or "felt" the piece. I have been having cold-sweats about it. I thought it would just come apart! Well, it is drying right now, all safe and sound. These are pictures from before we washed it (when I was worried that it was going to fall apart! ) Nutmeg has started a new knitting project: a blanket for her doll, Mango Lassi. Dear old Mango is worthy of her own post. Stay tuned for more craftiness!

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1 comment:

Ruskin said...

This is so beautiful. We love to weave and knit too. I am very excited about seeing it when it dries.