Saturday, July 7, 2007

Prairie Schooler Bellpull

My mother has been collecting Prairie Schooler Santas since the eighties. I finally persuaded her to part with her santa cards long enough for me to actually stitch a few of them. I have chosen to stitch four charts as a bellpull on 32 ct natural lite linen. I am using the DMC threads called for including 221 and 501 for the red and green. Will it be finished to hang up for Christmas 2007? Stay tuned!


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Anonymous said...

I should be a wonderful bell pull for your next xmas!!!

mainely stitching said...

Oh, good for you to make a bellpull of these wonderful, timeless Santas!! :D

Solstitches said...

Wow Michele! As a big PS I just love this idea and think the Santa's will look wonderful.
How neat that your mom is a stitcher also.
I have a few of these PS cards - even stitched one of them but I did it on the Davosa fabric and didn't care for it much. Maybe I will start over.
